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Greenstein: 3 Key Principles for Next Steps on Health Care


In a new op-ed first published in The Hill, CBPP President Robert Greenstein says that congressional Republicans’ failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “offers important lessons for next steps on healthcare — if policymakers will heed them.”

He sets out three core principles that policymakers should adopt as they consider their next moves on health care: (1) don’t enlarge the number of uninsured; (2) avoid deleterious Medicaid changes; and (3) strengthen the ACA marketplaces instead of undermining them.

He concludes:

With Americans rejecting the GOP’s repeal and replace efforts, policymakers should work in a bipartisan manner to pursue goals that both parties say they favor — increasing rather than reducing the number of Americans with insurance, making insurance and care more affordable and controlling costs throughout the U.S. healthcare system.

Read the full op-ed here.
